New art. 15 of the Italian Copyright law

The new text of art. 15 of the Copyright Law is the following:

«1. The exclusive right to play, perform or act in public has as its aim the play, performance or act, either free or for a fee, of the musical work, dramatic work, cinematographic work, any other work of public show and oral work.
2. It is not considered public the play, performance or act of the work within the ordinary circle of the family, boarding school, school or institute of hospitalization, provided that it is not a profit-making business. 3. It is not considered public the acting of literary works made, without profit-making, inside public museums, archives and libraries with the exclusive aim of cultural promotion and appreciation of the works themselves identified on the basis of memorandums of understanding between the Italian Society of Authors and Publishers (SIAE) and the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Cultural Activities and Tourism”.

The amendment has concerned comma 3, which has been introduced with law no. 112 of 07.10.2013 in force as of 09.10.2013.