Category Archives: Events & information

The report on 2022-2023 trademarks anti-counterfeiting policies

The worst damage a trademark could suffer from is counterfeiting, for this reason actions to reduce this phenomenon must be taken. The report on the anti-counterfeiting policies analyzes the actions carried out between 2022-2023 by the Italy’s Second Division of the General Direction for Intellectual Property (Divisione II della Direzione Generale per la Proprietà Industriale) […]

World IP Day 2024: innovation for a sustainable future

World Ip Day 2024

April 26th is World Intellectual Property Day, promoted by WIPO, the World Intellectual Property Organization. The theme of World IP day 2024 is “Ip and SDGs: building a common future with innovation and creativity”. The World Intellectual Property Day was established in 2000 by the Wipo Member States, with the goal of promoting the general […]

Patent Index 2023: record number of applications in Italy

2023 patent index

According to the EPO Patent Index  2023, Italian companies and inventors have filed a record number of 5,053 patent applications with the EPO in 2023, registering a growth of +3,8% compared to the previous year, higher than the European average growth of +1,4%. Overall, Italy places 5th among the EU countries for number of patent […]

EUIPO SME Fund 2024: how does it work?

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are often considered the driving force of the economy which contribute significantly to innovation. In this context, the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) has instituted the EUIPO Fund SME 2024 to support and promote the development of these companies. But how does it work and who can benefit from […]