Category Archives: Events & information

2023 World Intellectual Property Day: Women Year  

World Ip Day

April 26 is the World Intellectual Property Day promoted by the World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO). The theme of the 2023 World IP Day is “Women and IP: Accelerating innovation and creativity”. Why we celebrate World IP Day April 26 – the day when the WIPO Convention entered into force – was chosen by the […]

Euipo SME Fund 2022: grants for trademarks, designs and patents

Euipo SME Fund 2022

New grants are available for European small and medium sized enterprises (SME) that want to register their trademarks, designs and patents. The Euipo SME Fund «Ideas Powered for business» is an initiative supported by the European Commission and implemented by the European Union Intellectual Property Office that allows SMEs established in Europe to ask for a […]

The new Italian Patent Box: 110% extra deduction

italian patent box

The Italian Patent Box once again changed its shape. By the publication of the 2022 Budget Law (law n. 234 of December 30th 2021) in the Gazzetta Ufficiale of December 31th 2021, the Italian Patent Box regime saw the introduction of relevant updates, partially modifying the Law Decree n. 146 of 2021, the so-called “Financial […]

European Sme Fund: 20 million euros to protect intellectual property

sme fund

The Ideas Powered for Business initiative includes the SME Fund program, a 20 million Euro fund, co-financed by the European Commission and the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), which provides grants for small and medium-sized enterprises interested in protecting intellectual property rights at national and European level. The program provides for financial support in […]