Category Archives: Copyright & royalties

Musical Plagiarism of an Unpublished Work

musical plagiarism of an unpublished work

The Court of Milan recently ruled on a case of alleged musical plagiarism concerning a song considered to be similar to another song previously filed as unpublished work at SIAE. The requirements of musical plagiarism Preliminarily, the Court restated some important principles in order to establish the existence of musical plagiarism. On one hand, it […]

Michelangelo’s David: even cultural heritage benefits from the right to image

right to image cultural heritage

With ruling of April 21st 2023, no. 1207/2023, the Court of Florence stated that, like natural persons, even cultural heritage benefits from the right to the image, ordering a publisher to pay the damages caused by an unauthorized publication of the image of the work of art. The case The Ministry of Cultural Heritage and […]

Hosting Provider: the Court of Rome clarifies the area of responsibility of the passive hosting

hosting provider

The Court of Rome, with decision no. 5700/2023 of 7 April 2023, ruled on the matter of the hosting provider responsibility for copyright infringements carried out by users of the platform. The case The case submitted to the Court of Rome concerned the abusive diffusion, on a video sharing platform, of a high quantity of […]

Works created with AI: the US Copyright Office publishes the first operative guidelines for the registration

works created with AI

On 16 March 2023 the US Copyright Office announced the launch of a new initiative aimed at examining the problems connected to the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the creation of works of art and to face the issue of the use of copyright protected materials for training the AI. Interaction between art and […]