Trademark filed in bad faith: EUIPO’s recent decision

The Cancellation Division of EUIPO has recently decided on the invalidity of the European figurative trademark no. 18118853 having as object the famous Banksy work called “The Flower Thrower”. Banksy’s “Flower Thrower” Trademark The application for invalidity, based on the applicant’s bad faith as well as on the descriptiveness and/or non-distinctiveness of the sign at […]

The protection of a commissioned rendering: the decision of the court of Florence

The Court of Florence with ruling no. 935 of March 27th 2023, gave and important decision on copyright infringement and protection of a rendering. A rendering is the process of generating an image or animation on the basis of a starting model, through the use of a specialized software. According to the constant case law, […]

Rubik’s Cube and the non-registrability of the related 3D trademark

With decision of 20 October 2023 (case r 850/2022-1), the first Board of Appeals of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) confirmed the decision of the Cancellation Division, establishing the invalidity of the three-dimensional trademark constituted by the famous Rubik’s Cube. The first decision of the EUIPO Cancellation Division The “magic cube”, invented in […]

Data Breach: the EU Court of Justice affirms the refundability of a non-pecuniary damage

On December 14 2023, the EU Court delivered a preliminarily judgement on case C-340/21 upon request of the Bulgarian Supreme Court, stating that the infringement of the principles established by the GDPR entails the compensation for the damages, also non-material ones, suffered by the interested party. Therefore, in case of data breach, the controller of […]