Category Archives: Internet & domains

The use of emoticons can cause considerable costs

Eric Goldman, professor of law at the University of Santa Clara in California, has studied emoji and their impact on the legal world for many years. His first studies were aimed at the possibility of obtaining an exclusivity on the faces commonly used to express a feeling or to strengthen an affirmation or a state […]

Copyright infringement and IP address

The owner of the Internet access is responsible for the violation of copyright if it does not prove that the fact is due to a third part. Entering copyrighted content on file-sharing systems is an infringement of copyright and the IP address may be enough to identify the author of the offence. If the author […]

Shopping online and obligations for the seller

The introduction of internet and social networks as trading platforms complicated the consumers awareness to realize when they are dealing with a commercial seller or a private individual. The distinction, far from obvious, has consequences that are not negligible from a legal viewpoint. In fact, subjects qualified as “professionals” must observe a series of duties […]

Cloud computing of works protected by copyright. The European Court of Justice rules on the limits of private copying exception

Cloud-based videorecording of works protected by copyright must be authorised by the owners of the right to the works. This was established by the European Court of Justice through a long-awaited ruling published on 29 November 2017 (Case C-265716) on cloud computing, considered as the provision, through the Internet, of a shared and configurable pool […]