Category Archives: Internet & domains

New European Law in force. In the struggle against online piracy, the power of the AGCOM is strengthening

The European Law 2017 (Law no. 167 of November 20, 2017) entered into force on December 12, 2017 introduced important news in reference to the online infringements’ repression concerning contents protected by copyright. The new regulation, adopted to effect the European directives no.2001/29/CE – on the harmonization of certain aspects of copyright and of the […]

WIPO now helps in recovering a .eu domains

There are relevant news about the controversy of the domain names that will cheer up trademark’s owners, often forced to go after the “cybersquatters”. From June 1, 2017, also the Arbitration and Mediation Center of WIPO, the authority located in Geneva managing at a worldwide level the protection of the intellectual and industrial property, will […]

Also owning modchips non installed on a console is an offense

By Judgment 34180/2017, the 3rd section of the (Italian) Supreme Court, Criminal section, judged groundless the appeal proposed by a person condemned for being in possession of 140 devices, called “modchip”, consisting in electronic circuits aimed at eluding the technological measures of protection on videogames and consoles. As the Supreme Court reminds, art. 102-quarter of […]

Copyright infringement and the ISP’s duty to remove illicit contents

Has the Internet Service Provider (ISP) the duty to remove the illicit contents uploaded on its platforms? When? The Directive 2000/31/EC (Directive on e-commerce; accepted by the Decree Law no. 70 of 2003) stated that in case they perform the so-called “mere conduit” services (art. 12), the ISPs have no general obligation to monitor (art. […]