Category Archives: Internet & domains

Influencers as commercial agents? The decision of the Court of Rome

influencer as commercial agent

Many companies, even multinational, promote their products and services through influencers. One of the main advantages for companies of choosing this promotional channel is being able to reach easily millions of people, that is the followers of the influencers. In particular, their notoriety and related persuasive power are used to guide the purchase choices of […] Trademark and Domain Name Cannot be Freely Registered or Used by Others

In the course of the lawsuit promoted by Fiorentina, the Court of Milan, with decision no. 3435/2024 of March 27th 2024, has declared the invalidity of the “” trademark, registered by the defendant company, ordered the transfer of the domain name to the football club, and it also found that the plaintiff’s trademarks were […]

The EDPB rejects “Consent or Pay” models

With the opinion issued on April 17, 2024 (Opinion 08/2024), the European Data Protection Board (EPDB) rejected the “consent or pay” models employed by large online platforms, stating that the consent to the processing of personal data given by the users with the “accept or pay” choice could hardly be considered valid. Consent or Pay […]

A Joint Study on Implications of NFTs

The U.S Copyright Office and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) recently published a joint study (“Non-Fungible Tokens and Intellectual Property – A Report to Congress”) to evaluate if the existing laws are adequate to address the infringement issues associated with Non-Fungible Token (NFT). The work of the U.S Copyright Office and the […]