Category Archives: Trademarks & Design

 Societè du Tour de France vs Tour de X and risk of confusion

The recent case involving Société du Tour de France against the German fitness studios chain FitX has reignited the debate on the risk of confusion between similar trademarks in the context of EU law. The issue concerned the registration of the figurative trademark “TOUR DE X”, requested by FitX Beteiligungs GmbH on May 2017 for […]

Orange on trial. When a color becomes a trademark

LVMH’s champagne orange faces a setback The well-known “Veuve Clicquot” wine trademark, owned by the notorious champagne house LVMH group, was at the center of a complex legal battle in defense of a distinctive characteristic of its products: the orange shade of its bottles label. This case shed light on the strict probatory standards requested […]

Influencers as commercial agents? The decision of the Court of Rome

influencer as commercial agent

Many companies, even multinational, promote their products and services through influencers. One of the main advantages for companies of choosing this promotional channel is being able to reach easily millions of people, that is the followers of the influencers. In particular, their notoriety and related persuasive power are used to guide the purchase choices of […]

Big Mac trademark loses its exclusivity for chicken-based products

Big Mac trademark

The Court of the European Union has recently established, with judgment of last June 5th, that the famous American fast-food chain McDonald’s lost its rights on the “Big Mac” sign in relation to chicken-based products. The Dispute The issue started in 2017, when an Irish chain of take-away restaurant, Supermac’s, filed a revocation application for […]