Category Archives: Internet & domains

Google’s AdWords. Using someone else’s trademark is unlawful

In order to be at the top of the results of a search engine, many undertaking s do not hesitate to use sponsored wordings which correspond to competitor’s trademarks as keywords. This bad habit comes from a basic error: thinking that since the words used as keyword are invisible at the exterior, this is not […]

Fired for chatting on Facebook

Control the behaviour of employees in Facebook is lawful. To determine this was the Supreme Court with the judgment 10955/2015 which confirmed the legality of a dismissal occurred as a result of checks carried out on the use of social networks during working hours. The case involved an employee of a company, already found to […]

The right to be forgotten

On May 13, with sentence no. 131, the European Court of Justice had occasion to rule on the matter in an interesting case on the protection of personal data on the Web. The episode has placed Mr. Costeja Gonzalez and the Spanish Data Protection Agency (Agencia Española de Protección de Datos –AEPD-) opposite Google Spain […]

New opportunities in the world of domain names

The new digital era has started: of the over 700 domain names that will enter the market in the next months, over 20 are already registrable online, and many others are arriving in the next few weeks. You can find here the updated situation. How can you profit the most this new digital panorama to […]